Gun Violence Prevention

America has a gun violence crisis — and it’s getting worse. Despite overwhelming public support for common-sense gun safety measures, Mitch McConnell and Republicans in the Senate refused to take any action to stop the devastating wave of gun violence while they were in power. 

But with Chuck Schumer leading the Senate, Congress passed the first major bill addressing gun violence in nearly 30 years, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act:

  • Enhances background checks for individuals under age 21
  • Supports community-based violence intervention programs with $250 million in funding
  • Provides funding for state crisis intervention orders (red flag provision) to keep guns out of the hands of individuals who are a danger to themselves or others
  • Invests in mental health care for children and families
  • Increases funding for schools to expand mental health and support services and create safer learning environments

Chuck Schumer wrote the original Brady Law requiring background checks on gun sales, as well as the original Assault Weapons Ban, and now as Senate Majority Leader he is committed to legislation that will keep guns out of dangerous hands and keep our communities safe. There is no single solution that will end gun violence overnight, but by establishing smart gun safety measures, like universal background checks, closing the gun show loophole, and red flag laws, we can keep guns out of the hands of people who could hurt themselves or others.

Universal Background Checks

As a member of the House of Representatives, Chuck Schumer wrote the original bill requiring background checks on gun sales from federally licensed dealers or manufacturers, also known as the Brady Bill. Since it went into effect in 1994, background checks have blocked 3.5 million gun sales because the purchaser was prohibited from owning a gun.

However, dangerous loopholes still allow some guns to be sold without a federal background check, like online or at gun shows. Chuck Schumer supports passing the bipartisan legislation known as H.R. 8, which would require background checks on all gun sales and close the gun show and online loopholes. Universal background checks have widespread public support. 93% of voters support background checks on all gun sales, including 89% of Republicans and gun owners.

Assault Weapons Ban

Chuck Schumer helped write and pass the 1994 assault weapons ban, which outlawed the manufacture and importation of semi-automatic weapons like the AK-47. The original assault weapons ban expired in 2004, and Congress has not renewed it since then. Semi-automatic assault weapons were designed for war and have no place in our communities, our streets or our schools, so Chuck will continue to push for a new assault weapons ban.